03 Sep

“What is Your Definition of Leadership?”

“What Does Leadership Mean to You?”

Yesterday I posted the question above on my Facebook page to see what my connections would say.

It was very interesting to say the least.

Some of the answers were…


“Everything rises and falls on leadership!!!”



“Sharing Jesus…”

The good news is that all those are great elements of leadership and no one was totally off the mark.

But what is it really?

When we think of leadership, our minds often jump to figures of authority—those at the top of an organization, a coach rallying their team, or perhaps a political figure guiding their nation. But when I ask the question, “What does leadership mean to you?” I’m not looking for textbook answers. I want to dive deeper into the heart of what makes a leader.

At Your Story To Glory, I focus on helping people develop a deeper and more spiritual calling to leadership in their life and whom they lead or desire to lead. Leadership is not power or in a title. Leadership is about influence, responsibility, service and getting others to follow you.

Leadership as Influence

John Maxwell famously said, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” (Congratulations, Corey, you got the right answer! You must have read the book or something. 🙂 ) I see leadership as the capacity to positively impact those around you. It’s not about pushing people in the direction you want them to go, but guiding or influencing them toward the goal and in their own growth to get there.

Whether you’re leading a family, a team, or an organization, the best leaders are those who lift others up.

Leadership as Responsibility

True leadership means taking ownership. Or as Jocko Willink has become famous for the mantra, “Extreme Ownership”. It’s understanding that you set the tone. If things go well, you celebrate the team. If things go wrong, you take the hit and figure out how to fix it. Great leaders don’t shy away from responsibility, they embrace it, knowing that they have a role in shaping the success of those they lead.

Leadership as Service

One of the key pillars of leadership development I emphasize in my coaching is servant leadership. This is the heart of true leadership. It is putting the needs of others before your own, asking not “How can I be in charge?” but “How can I help others succeed?” A servant leader listens, empathizes, and is invested in the well-being and growth of their people.

In my coaching practice, I often ask clients where they have seen leadership done really well…and really badly. This causes them to think about the leaders who have impacted their lives the most. What stands out is rarely the leader’s technical ability or job title—it’s their willingness to guide, mentor, and support. That’s what leadership truly looks like.

Your Leadership Journey

Every leader is on their own unique path. For some, leadership comes naturally, while for others it’s a skill that needs to be nurtured. Wherever you are on your leadership journey, one thing is certain: leadership is not just about what you can achieve for yourself, but about how you can encourage and influence others.

At Your Story To Glory, I help individuals recognize their unique leadership qualities and turn them into strengths. So, I ask again, “What does leadership mean to you?” I encourage you to reflect on this and start thinking about how you can lead with greater influence, responsibility, and service.

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